Friday, February 4, 2011

Recipe: Banana Roll Cake

Sometimes I want to eat cake very bad.
And if I have some bananas in our house, this is my favorite cake to make and eat.
“Banana Roll cake”
And good thing is this cake is not hard to make.
All you need to have is
-Egg: 4
-Sugar: 6 table spoon
-All purpose flour: 4 table spoon
-Salt: a pinch
-Vanilla extract: a little
-Banana: 2
-Whipping cream: 7oz
-Sugar for whipping cream: 2 table spoon
1. Separate yolk and egg white. Put a pinch of salt and sugar (6 table spoon) into the egg white and whip it until they form stiff peaks.
2. Put yolk into the egg white and mix them together.
3. Put flour through sifter into the mixed egg and mix them with a spatula nice and easy. And add vanilla extract.
4. Spread them onto the prepared baking sheet (I use the size of 13x18 to bake it thin and flat) and bake it 9-10min. in the oven which is heated up around 360F.
5. Meanwhile, prepare the whipped cream.
6. When the sponge cake gets cold, it is time to spread the whipped cream on top of it and put bananas.Roll it!!!
Instead of banana, you can put the other kind of fruits like pears, peaches or strawberries.
Even you can add cocoa powder into the sponge cake to have some chocolate flavor.
Please enjoy to make it and eat itペロリ

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