Monday, October 4, 2010

Usual Suspect - mystery on my deck

In the morning, my husband found weird thing spreading on our deck.
And he asked me "what's that?"
First I thought those are detals from some kind of flower... however I don't have any red flower on my deck... Mmmm.... so what are those?

And when I raised my eyes up, mystery solved.
It was a bell pepper!!!!!

It must be a squirrel!!! He/she ate my precious bell pepper!!!!!
I don't know squirrels really eat bell peppers, but seeing it's tooth mark, it has to be a squirrel!!!
Here is the close up photo of the eaten bell pepper.
Oh, man... I planed to use it for a pizza or something... now it's gone into a squarrel's stomach.

Goodbye, my bell pepper....
I will take a photographic evidece next time if I can!!


  1. That #$%&*ing' squirrel!!!!! That woulda made AWESOME pizza!!!! Maybe we need to talk to our coyote buddies?

  2. That #$%&*ing' squirrel came again!!!!! It is awful... It ate a lot this time...:-(
