Saturday, June 19, 2010

Exploration 1: Strawberry Jam

Now is the best season for strawberries. They are so sweet and juicy, and the price is right, too!!! The other day, I bought a big package of strawberries for $2.99!!! That was such a score :-)
The first thing that came to my mind when I bought them was "I want to make strawberry jam!!!"
I am the type of person who likes DIY with some shortcuts. I didn't have the patience and time to spend a whole hour standing in front of the stove, stirring it till it got thick.
But I really wanted to make jam with fresh strawberries!

So I used my favorite gadget as a shortcut: My BREAD MAKER!!! Bread makers are not only for making bread, but they also have some other functions--like making jam.
This is what I got an hour later :-)

Beautiful bright red strawberry Jam

For my lunch I made pancakes. So as some fresh strawberry lemonade!

Put some homemade strawberry jam on top and bon appetit :-)

Mmmm~ It was really gooooooooooooood!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on starting the blog!
    I am looking forward to seeing all of your amazing crafts.
    The jam looks great.
    The lemonade in the mug... so cute! I have to try that too :P
