Wednesday, October 6, 2010


 I finally suceeded to take a photo of thief of my vegetables!!!!
Here are some evidence of it's crime!

Checkin' bell pepper
Squirrel: "Hmm... I guess there is no new crops here.
                         I don't wanna eat something I've already got a bite."

Checkin' Strawberries
Squirrel: "I love strawberries, but it's not in season. Let's wait till next spring."

Checkin' green onions
Squirrel: "I don't like green onions that much... 'cause it's stinky.
                           Maybe there is some more yummy food in soil... Let's dig in!"

Thank God, it didn't eat any of my vegetable this time. :-)
I need to keep patrol on my vegetables, and if it comes again (of course it will, for sure), I need to surprise it to stay away from my property  >:-(
Or if anybody has a better idea to keep it out from my vegetable, please let me know ;-)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It did it again!!!!!

A squirrel ate my vegetables again!!!!!
And this time is worse than last time!!!
It (or they) ate more than one vegetable!!!!
Here are my victims...
Two Bell peppers
Zoom photos of each one.

 Why did it eat half of two bell peppers?
Why not eating one whole and leave me the other? :-(

But bell peppers are not the only victim this time...
Yes...a tomato was eaten, too....

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this....

Monday, October 4, 2010

Usual Suspect - mystery on my deck

In the morning, my husband found weird thing spreading on our deck.
And he asked me "what's that?"
First I thought those are detals from some kind of flower... however I don't have any red flower on my deck... Mmmm.... so what are those?

And when I raised my eyes up, mystery solved.
It was a bell pepper!!!!!

It must be a squirrel!!! He/she ate my precious bell pepper!!!!!
I don't know squirrels really eat bell peppers, but seeing it's tooth mark, it has to be a squirrel!!!
Here is the close up photo of the eaten bell pepper.
Oh, man... I planed to use it for a pizza or something... now it's gone into a squarrel's stomach.

Goodbye, my bell pepper....
I will take a photographic evidece next time if I can!!