Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some “Ups”

These 2 weeks, I had some blue moments as I wrote. 
But now, I am in a better mood now! Here are some ups recently that happened to me:

1. Finally a new cell phone arrived at our house yesterday! Yay!!! It's a smart phone! Very useful and compact. I haven't gotten used to it though... I wonder if the day when I really use 100% of its ability will come or not...

2. I was working on some crochet projects, and now I finished! Yay!!!!
Here are photos of the:
Those are now on sale on my Etsy Shop.
This is not the end of my “ups”.
I have one more and it’s the most important one!

3. My husband’s birthday is around the corner!!!!!!!
We don’t plan to have a big party for it, but I am planning something nice & handmade for him パーティ
I will post about it after his birthday!!!


  1. I love your creations :-)! Look at my blog

  2. Thank you, Arteee! I checked your blog. Unfortunately I don't understand the texts but I love the photos of dresses & skirts. You made all those?
    Looks really cute!!!!
